Passionate about Flavour & Innovation

Flavourfresh Salads Ltd is one of the leading British commercial glasshouse growers, supplying produce grown for flavour and unrivalled quality. Based in Lancashire, in the North West, we are well positioned within a ‘micro climate’ providing high levels of light, mild temperatures and flat open land which, when combined with the talent of our people and state of the art facilities, enables us to produce world-class quality fruit.

Ensuring outstanding flavour consistently from variety to variety is no mean feat.  It takes commitment to research, dedication to continuous development and a passion that flows through every element of the Flavourfresh business.

Year upon year, exclusive new trial varieties are planted, grown and refined as we endeavour to pinpoint produce and flavour perfection.  Only when we know we are onto something outstanding do we put it forward to our supermarket partners for their approval.  That’s where we stand out:  Working hand-in-hand with our customers to be the best in our category, supplying the very finest fruit flavours consistently, season after season.

Hear how we are continuing to feed the nation and manage your produce in light of Coronavirus conditions >>>



Flavourfresh has a fantastic tomato production team, spearheaded by one of the UK’s top renowned tomato growers. A long-standing, respected member of the British Tomato Growers’ Association, we work together in cultivating our world-beating tomatoes.



One of the world’s finest varieties of strawberries, Lusa is a Flavourfresh headliner. Plump, sweet and luscious with a shiny red hue, crops of this top yielding summer fruit are tended and nurtured by one of the UK’s best strawberry growers.



Twice-the-size, twice-the-flavour, the stunning Driscoll's Victoria blackberries, in partnership with Berry Gardens, are richly flavoured soft fruits. In Flavourfresh production since 2019, they promise and deliver on flavour, size and appearance.



Our NPD team travels around across Europe, Africa and the Far East, looking for and evaluating new varieties, assessing their flavour, fruit quality, shelf life, disease-resistance and yield potential, selecting for home trials in what can be a four year process.

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Just some of the comments from our wonderful customers.

"Tasted absolutely gorgeous, so sweet and juicy reminding me of the strawberries I had as a child. Thank you."
"Best tomato and strawberries I have ever had!"
"Delicious strawberries and tomatoes and will be buying them again!"
"We will be returning for some of your scrummy strawberries."
"Recommend! Tomatoes and strawberries delicious."